Powering transportation...
We specialise in the improvement and enhancement of marine and rail power systems
Generating change...
Resonant Link Technology will revolutionise the Oil & Gas sector
Capturing energy...
Resonant Link Technology will revolutionise the renewables industry
Protecting nations...
Resonant Link Technology will change the global defence industry and reduce defence expenditure

Resonant Link Technology offers unique applied power conversion engineering expertise and innovation.

We specialise in game-changing electrical power conversion, energy gathering and transmission products and systems, covering a wide range of sectors and applications.

Resonant Link Technology Limited has the capability to provide unique and innovative power conversion solutions, application support and project management, whatever the sector, including for the following: –

  • LV, MV and HV power systems
  • Renewables, particularly wind and tidal energy systems
  • Oil and gas, including subsea applications and FPSOs
  • Marine main propulsion, commercial and naval
  • Electrical Utilities
  • DC power for marine and offshore drive systems
  • Deepsea mining
  • Defence

Resonant Link is a true 21st Century technology.


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